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Mindfulness Script

Sit on a straight-back chair or on the floor. Make sure you will be undisturbed for at least 30 minutes

Bring your attention to your breath.

· Notice your breathing as you slowly breathe in and out – in through the nose and out through the mouth. If you wish you can count slowly - in for 4, hold for 2 and out for 7

· Notice the sensations in your chest and your belly

· Notice any other sounds, sights, tastes, touch and let them go

Bring your attention to the emotion. Name it with a word that best describes it – angry, sad, frustration, happy, irritated etc.

· Notice the emotion and sit with it. It’s a normal body reaction. It can be helpful to understand where it has come from, what it was, and what has contributed to you feeling this way. Don’t judge the emotion. Simply let it move through you without resisting it, struggling against it, or encouraging it.

· Investigate the emotion. How intense is it? Where in your body do you feel it? What’s your posture like when you feel it? Where do your muscles tense up when you feel this emotion? How intensely do you feel it? How are you breathing when you feel it? What is your body temperature when you feel the emotion? What is changing?

· Investigate the thoughts or judgements you notice about the emotion. Just notice your thoughts.

Allow them to come into your mind allow them to pass. If you find that you’re engaging with the thoughts – judging them or yourself for having them - just notice them and bring your attention back to your breathing and to the physical sensations of the emotion.

As other emotions come up, simply notice them and repeat the steps above. Notice how the emotions change over time.

As you become more practised, you can use this mindfulness technique when you feel more intense emotions



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